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Steps to reproduce:
1. Send to Smarflow from EMR (e.g. SPECVET) "hospitalization.created" object (e.g. with properties/values "patientId": "310346" and "fileNumber": "208423").
2. Visit Flowsheet (of this hospitalization).
3. Try to find "fileNumber" identifier number and "patientId" identifier number (from "hospitalization.created" object).
Actual result:
Smarflow displays only one of these identifiers (in this case, 310346 is displayed, but 208423 is not displayed).
Expected result:
It would be useful for the clinic to see both of these identifier numbers.
The user can enter this number (208423) manually.
Customer impact:
Affects (probably) all the clinics which connected to EMRs (e.g. SPECVET).
Useful information:
There are ideas from users: