IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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To remove "CHECK MARKS" from the radiobuttons in CHECKBOXES and Single Droopdown Select within Form parameters

That will be great if  "CHECK" marks will not be shown in ALL the radio buttons in Checkboxes and Single Dropdown Select within the Form's parameters as it is rather confusing. Though the item that was selected is shaded darker the checks are the confusing bit as it appears everything has been checked off.

  • Guest
  • Jul 5 2019
  • Released
  • Jun 6, 2020

    Admin response

    Released in March 2020.

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  • Guest commented
    28 Jan, 2020 05:15pm

    Yes, it is very confusing... if you are working quickly it can be easily mistaken as selected due to the check mark in the box.

  • Jane Kohler commented
    24 Jul, 2019 03:28am

    Extremely confusing to clients (and staff) - this MUST be fixed - I cannot use forms until this is fixed...... so many clients comment on it, and I cannot provide paper or emailed documentation to them that is so ambiguous and confusing - this is a legal/liability problem!!!!!!!!

  • +2