IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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Can billing be removed from an entire order?

When we administer medications to a patient in the hospital that were previously prescribed that the owner already paid for, we don't want to charge them for this medication each time it is administered and signed off on in the smartflow treatment sheet. It is too laborious to remove billing from each individual box for the duration of a patient's hospitalization and leaves too much room for error. If we put it under miscellaneous treatments with the medication and instructions indicated in the notes, then after the sheet is finalized, there is no way to see what those instructions were and what was actually signed off for. Can billing be removed from an entire line item?

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2019
  • Open For Voting
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  • Sara Wolcott commented
    September 25, 2020 12:50

    We created "Owner meds" either that line itself is blank and you fill in "Metro 250 mg PO BID" or secondary's of everything.

    Metro 250mg OWNER MED - Charges $1 administration fee.

    Carprofen 75mg OWNER MED

    Clavamox 375mg OWNER MED

    etc etc