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I would like to be able to click on one thing on the selection list to bring up a group of things on the smartflowsheet e.g click on a blood profile- and it brings up individual tests you would like the nurse to run and any tests which you want numbers written down for- eg PCV/TP, BG.
We do not bill through smartflow so our items are unmapped
Maybe, that's what I was thinking. If you want to try it out with one profile and see how it works, we could discuss how to efficiently create whatever templates you need. Let me know what you think!
Courtenay Watson, RVT | Integrations Manager
IDEXX Smart Flow, Veterinary Software and Services
e. | Click here to book a meeting with me.
Hi Courtenay, I’m a little bit confused by this suggestion. Does that mean I would have to create a template for each blood profile and then merge it in when I wanted to use it? Thx Lx
This sounds like our "Add Treatments" feature might be what you're looking for?
Courtenay Watson, RVT | Integrations Manager
IDEXX Smart Flow, Veterinary Software and Services
e. | Click here to book a meeting with me.