IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

Your ideas and feedback are very valuable to us. Please go ahead and describe your brilliant idea so that other customers can vote and support your idea. You have 10 votes at your disposal. Once ideas you added (or just voted for) are announced as released - you will get your votes back.

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For those of us not yet connected to a PMS I get the impression (fortunately I'm not directly involved with that side of things) that uploading each pet to the PMS can be time consuming. This may well not be the fault of Smartflow!

It does occur to me that - given in this case we will have hospitalization fees on the PMS - we could rapidly find the notes of a suitably labeled PDF document (or zip file containing all of the currently available documents) on a cloud system if this option was given. The uploading could be done automatically assuming enough information was filled in to make the record unique (a name and a date should do it in most cases).

As an aside this would be extra-useful for those of us which run OOH services which require sending information on to client practices in the morning - a simple IFFFT script could forward anything hitting dropbox that matched a certain template to a certain email (you could do it yourselves for extra simplicity, but why reinvent the wheel?) We're the emergency drop off point for a (tiddly UK) county's worth of wildlife/strays overnight and merging the smartflow/Jupiter records apparently took my nurse and hour for 8 records a few nights ago (admittedly we're in the teething phase) but hopefully this plan would benefit more than just us!
  • Jon Bray
  • Nov 11 2017
  • Open For Voting
  • Attach files