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We are just starting to use Smart Flow, and one thing that drew us to it was help calculating medication dosages. We already create smart code kits for procedures in Cornerstone, which as we understand, Smart Flow cannot do.
When importing a recent estimate (treatment plan) from Cornerstone and using the anesthesia sheet in Smart Flow to calculate the pre-med doses, the PVL in the PIMS says 1.0 mL as default until anesthesia is started, at which the actual dose updates on the PVL.
If the technician wants to look at what the dose is, they must find and open the iPad, versus opening ANY work station and viewing the PVL as they are used to doing. If you want it updated on the PVL, anesthesia must be started, but you don't want to click start if it is not time to do so.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for submitting this idea. I hope everything is going pretty well since your recent go-live with SmartFlow. This sounds like a workflow issue that may just take some time to get into your groove with using SmartFlow. I'll have your Customer Success Manager discuss this with you on Monday.
Kind regards,
Ben Nitschke
Product Manager