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The "copy" will only give the treatments after admission. If they were admitted at 2pm there would be no treatments the next day until 2pm.
Perhaps an option to Continue Treatments which will carry on the same schedule?
Hi Jess,
Thanks for submitting this idea. I can see that your practice is using "Fixed time templates" meaning that when you add 24 hours SmartFlow will essentially take a carbon copy of the current Flowsheet to create the new one.
If you are admitting patients later in the day and you have highlighting on your templates in the morning then rather than deleting the highlighting you can just cancel the treatment using our feature on the iPad. By cancelling the highlighting rather than deleting it, when you add 24 hours and copy all of your highlighting will copy over.
I hope this makes sense but if you have any additional questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
Kind regards,
Ben Nitschke
Product Manager