Your ideas and feedback are very valuable to us. Please go ahead and describe your brilliant idea so that other customers can vote and support your idea. You have 10 votes at your disposal. Once ideas you added (or just voted for) are announced as released - you will get your votes back.
We have many different departments, and once a patient is taken to a procedure (surgery, dental, MRI...), it would be good if there was an option to 'suspend' treatments until the patient's return, so that it doesn't look on the screen that there are treatments still needing to be done. Once patient returns, treatments could be 'released'. The 'suspend' option could simply be done by doing a certain highlight color or shade, or something similar.
Hi Djana,
Thank you for submitting this idea. Whilst this idea is awaiting additional votes from the SmartFlow community I wanted to make sure you were aware of our ability to cancel treatments on the iPad? Hope this may be helpful in the meantime.
Kind regards,
Ben Nitschke
Product Manager