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For one example this would be very useful would be for NPO orders....NPO UNTIL a certain time for procedures, consults etc. This can also be useful for medications such as acetylcysteine that is only given for 6 doses...if a nurse isn't vigilant with looking at the orders and counting doses, the treatment can be continued. Additionally, some medications stay on the board despite oral medications being prescribed, it would be beneficial to schedule an end time so orals can be started, instead of manually having to discontinue; these things are easily missed with high patient volume.
When using the Discontinue tool you have the ability to discontinue in the future. You would need to ADD 24hrs if the D/C is on a different day and then schedule the discontinue. You can also then set the Start time for another medication ie changing from an injectable to an oral in this fashion. I have done a video HERE to show the steps.