IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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42 Vote

Dynamic procedure board (to prioritize patients)

As an emergency facility we see many inpatients during shift. Usually any procedures that are needed are currently written on a whiteboard with regards to priority. At any time a procedure may be introduced that will take priority and go to the top of the list.

I was hoping to use smart flow to create a list to show the animal and the procedures each animal needs. This list needs to be flexible to allow any procedure to be moved up or down. Basically what I need is a dynamic procedure board that staff can assess what needs to be done in terms of priority

I hope this makes sense.
  • Matt Rosen
  • Nov 11 2017
  • Open For Voting
  • Attach files
  • Sarah Seyers commented
    17 Sep, 2020 11:20pm

    Great idea, the order of our surgery list changed 4 times yesterday and the time it takes to reorder the board is unproductive.

  • Guest commented
    13 Sep, 2019 02:48pm

    Being able to simply drag and change the order of the patients on the whiteboard (without having to use custom fields, etc. which can be time consuming) would be very beneficial in a large specialty hospital where the triage order is constantly changing/fluid on an ER outpatient board

  • Jacqui Ferguson commented
    9 Jan, 2018 03:24am

    Drag and drop prioritising would be great! we currently sort by colour to (have assigned colours to departments for the nurses to choose when adding a patient to the board) but sometimes we would prefer to be able to rearrange them within a department as well (ie inpatient that needs another procedure should be higher up than one just on basic meds)

  • Eric Kancar commented
    16 Nov, 2017 09:18pm

    Yes to drag and drop for ordering them according to priority!

  • Erik Dahmer commented
    16 Nov, 2017 03:31pm

    In our surgery department we use a whiteboard to guide our day. Each procedure has an operating room, nurse, and "table" time assigned to it. It would be nice to have this in smartflow. Seems like this would be similar to the suggested "dynamic procedure board". Being able to drag and change the order of procedure quickly would be ideal.

  • Angela Thorp commented
    13 Nov, 2017 07:28pm

    Yes!!  Prioritizing on the whiteboard would be very helpful!

  • Eric Kancar commented
    12 Nov, 2017 03:31pm

    This is a great idea!  It's a work queue of sorts.  Our specialists have a dry erase board hanging in ICU that they all work from with their consults and procedures listed on it.  How great it would be to be able to add those consults and procedures to this dynamic procedure board directly from SFS.  You could then have a monitor or TV screen dedicated to this from which they could view it but it could also be viewed from any computer or iPad as well.

  • +21