IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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Mark treatment in progress

I would like for a feature to be added where we could mark treatments on the flow sheet in progress. For example, if we were to right click a time slot or a treatment and if the entire row was blinking, it would indicate somebody is currently working on those treatments. Sometimes, it may be difficult to directly communicate with a patient's nurse, and if such a feature was added, it could help minimize medical errors, such as duplicating medications. Additionally, it will help assure the doctors that treatments are being worked on for their patient and just not sitting there.

  • Guest
  • May 6 2022
  • Open For Voting
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  • Admin
    IDEXX SmartFlow commented
    August 15, 2024 17:06

    One way we have instructed to be able to communicate this - is at the top of each section have a parameter that is Labeled Tx in Progress - the technician would then initial the section they are working on.

    This solves for this issue right now as this request is evaluated down the road.