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Currently, only the monitoring parameters at the top of the anaesthetic sheet such as HR, RR, Temp, SBP, DBP, MBP, will automatically pop up when you are entering in the value. Other parameters such as MM, CRT and things like the fluid rate and anaesthetic percentage can't be moved to the top part and can only be highlighted and saved for each individual patient and you cannot save this as a template.
It would be great if these other parameters would pop up automatically when entering in the values so you don't have to select each individual item to enter the value or spend time highlighting them before the anaesthetic begins.
We wholeheartedly agree, this is a feature we would love to see!
Currently highlights. Annoy be saved to the template but even if highlights are made, currently an automatic window does not pop up to enter the results after entering the primary charted values and in the new view (uncharted) it does not automatically pop up new values from section to section (agents to medication etc). I think that is what we are looking for. The pop up window to automatically appear between each section.
Sounds like a great idea! We think that this could be achieved while saving highlighting to a particular anesthetic template. Does this sound like a solution?
I agree! Perhaps though we can exclude the medication category to be automatically jumped to since most medications are not every 5 minutes... Or maybe that can be a settings option.
Yes please!
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