IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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13 Vote

Submit button finalises consent form

Currently if you click submit, this doesn't finalise the consent form- you need to go in and finalise it after. This takes up time and can be missed, then when we try to discharge- we are told that we need to finalise. Would be easier to just do it in the first place 

  • Casey Fiorenza
  • Dec 8 2017
  • Open For Voting
  • Attach files
  • Betsy Riojas commented
    11 May, 2023 03:45pm

    I would be great for it to finalize. When you give it to a client to fill and they pushed finalized at the bottom. Client don't know that is saves form. They think it's finalized. As a staff you should proof read it and make sure all info has been added before staff finalizing.

  • Guest commented
    8 Oct, 2020 01:22pm

    This would be a great time saver - it would also mean that those required fields get filled in by clients before they leave the building. When the form is only saved, the required fields don't stop the saving. Perhaps swapping the finalize and save functions?

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