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We use a lot of Hills & Royal Canin diets in the hospital, it would be helpful to already have them as an option under those parameters, or to be able to add them as we go.
Yes! I want to be able to add ANY diet into the diet section (even if it's not a prescription diet) - happy to fill out the kcal per can or cup. Need more options and if that can't be done, the option to just add it in yourself.
It would be great to have the full range of these diets available to choose from, or to customise to what the hospital stocks!
It's crazy this isn't an option already! Please, get it loaded as soon as possible.
We also really need more diets listed but to have the kcal content per 100g or have the ability to edit this ourselves.
We would like to be able to:
- Add new diets.
- Edit existing diets.
- Show the nutritional content in kcal per 100 grams.
(This is how we receive this information from the diet manufacturers in the UK)
Thank you very much for submitting this idea!
Could you please give us more details on what exactly you would like to see? Would you like to be able to add some new diets as parameters? Or would you like to save some specific diet types to existing "Hills" or "Royal Canin" diets?
Thank you,
Smart Flow Team