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Hi dear colleagues,
Right now, we are looking for a way to optimize our built-in calculators, and we'd love to hear what you think about them. Is there anything that you would like to change about current diet calculator?
When giving feedback on this topic, keep in mind factors such as user-friendliness, design, general usefulness, current pain points, etc.
We are constantly making improvements to our software and appreciate any feedback you can give to us!
Smart Flow Team
Be able to calculate RER then translate this to any other generic food that can be entered to give the amount per feed and calories per feed. It would also be useful if the calculator could determine the total amount to feed if we are doing 1/3/, 2/3....refeeding
Need to be able to calculate grams rather than cups or cans.
Also would like the ability to change the RER calculation in . the admin panel, and to show calculated diets in grams rather than cups or cans. In the UK and Europe, it's all measured in grams.
I like the idea of Diet being a free-type field, like Ben said, like the additives list so that it will save your previous entries!
If unable to preload diets (since there are so many) have the potential to use the computer-based SF to input all of the diets' info that pertains to the stock at the clinic. From there they would all be saved and then could be selected for individual patients/templates.
From my perspective we have 2 options here:
1. Update the inbuilt commercial diets and make a plan to continually update these OR
2. Scrap the commercial diets and re-develop the generic "Diet" parameter so that as the clinic type in diets and the calories per cup/tin it is remembered (kind of like our additive list).
When using the generic "diet" parameter, it is frustrating that you fill in an amount, and then if you change the frequency it makes you enter the amount again. I would understand it if you had already entered the calories/cup, but on generic diets you often don't know.
I would also like this to default to wet - not dry. Most clinics feed wet to tempt the appetite
Also would just generally love the diets to be updated, with new diet information being linked to SF updates.
We would like to be able to:
- Add new diets.
- Edit existing diets.
- Show the nutritional content in kcal per 100 grams.
(This is how we receive this information from the diet manufacturers in the UK)