IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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26 Vote

Indication when the fluid rate is changed

I had a patient today that the fluid rate had been changed on Smartflow while in the ER. It was not supposed to have been but I just realized that Smartflow doesn’t indicate when a fluid rate has been changed. It would be nice if Smartflow indicated when the fluid rate was changed.

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2018
  • Open For Voting
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  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2020 01:02am

    Indicator would be great

  • Kerryn Taylor commented
    1 Feb, 2020 09:41am


  • Amy Taylor commented
    18 Apr, 2019 08:58am

    In the ER where I work, we highlight the cells for every hour in yellow for the IVF line across the flow sheet and techs enter the rate in each cell hourly. This helps to verify that pumps are on and are running at the correct rate. When we want to indicate a fluid rate change, we use the blue colored cell highlight to indicate that a fluid rate has been changed per doctor's orders or for future fluid rate changes. For example, one of the doctors here likes to place a patient on a higher rate of IVF for 8 hours and will then decrease the rate. We will highlight the cell with the blue highlight option to indicate that 1.) it is intentional and 2.) as an additional way to help prevent oversight by the busy eyes of an ER tech. It tends to work pretty well for us. Just a thought that may be helpful to you too.

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