IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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Give us an option to rename the Anaesthetic PDF

Give us an option to rename the Anaesthetic PDF when we are just using it to monitor a patient more intensively than usual but it is not actually anaesthetised. The name anaesthetic record and anaesthetic sheet as a PDF is misleading if it was used for ICU patient monitoring or post-biopsy monitoring or blood transfusion monitoring, for example.

Why? We have been advised to use the anaesthetic sheet for monitoring patient parameters more frequently than the flow sheet allows (i.e. more frequently than hourly monitoring). When we do this, as below, it generates an Anaesthesia sheet PDF, although no anaesthetic has been performed. This means that we might have a patient with several ‘Anaesthesia sheet’ PDFs on the patient record during a stay at the hospital, but which hasn’t actually had an anaesthetic.

If we had the option to rename the anaesthetic sheet or use the template name (e.g. ICU, transfusion, post-biopsy monitoring), this would help us identify what the monitoring actually relates to, keeping a more accurate patient record and avoiding misleading ‘Anaesthesia sheet’ PDFs.

  • Guest
  • May 30 2018
  • Open For Voting
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