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We have started to use the new dental charting feature and had a request. Is there a way to add specific positioning for periodontal pockets? For example, 104 has a 4mm caudal lingual pocket and a 3mm middle lingual pocket. We’ll often find there are different pocket depths along a particular aspect of an individual tooth. Can we add something similar to this? Thank you!
Tabatha Keller
There are not enough readings for each tooth. Quite often we need to record up to six readings on a large tooth E.g The carnassial needs more than three readings for periodontal pocketing. Is there a way there could be more than three? Even Four would be ideal.
Ideally you need a graphical interface that would allow annotations using an apple pencil (this has been suggested before). IF not possible then annotation based on distal/mesial/lingual/buccal designation but this is far more time consuming.