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If we could send forms where clients could fill them out electronically before they came in and we would have a record.
We would love to have this feature available as well. It would streamline the very busy admissions process in the morning. Would be great improvement in efficiency. Please consider adding this feature to Smartflow.
Such a great idea. Please make this happen soon!
Remote completion of forms would be phenomenal. Something that we could place on our website, such as a link or a direct form to email to clients allowing them to fill out the form before their surgery admission time.
Would be great to have admission (client and patient) info, (optionally brief history/current meds), consent forms, advanced care directive... Particular at this time of COVID19, closed lobbies and touchless client interactions.
This would be amazing for our surgery forms and additional care needed for hospitalized patients and the owners are at home!
This would be awesome!