IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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19 Vote

Changing time intervals after anesthesia has begun

I would like to change the intervals while monitoring patients receiving blood transfusions. The monitoring can vary on patient reactions and type blood product transfusion The default in Smartflow is every 5 minutes but that creates a 4-5 page document that is difficult to follow. Each page typically has only 1 or 2 monitoring entries in longer 4 hour or longer transfusions. Would like to have the entire transfusion on one page. Can we set the intervals for every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes of monitoring then every 30 minutes thereafter? And/or is it possible to change the intervals based on patient response to transfusion? I.E 5 min then 30 minute standard set up but change to from every 5min, 10 min, 15 min, 1 hour, etc... if a reaction or other interruption has occurred during the transfusion. Our current hand written transfusion sheets allow the technician to monitor a transfusion at any interval from 1 minute to 4 hours. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2018
  • Open For Voting
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  • Guest commented
    March 14, 2019 20:12

    Agreed.  We use the anesthetic sheet for blood transfusion monitoring and change monitoring frequency and transfusion rate pending the point in transfusion and the patient's response.  

    Changing would also be beneficial if a patient went into crisis under anesthesia and more frequent monitoring  (ex q1min) was needed to note the response to therapy and return to prior sequencing if stabilization occurs.  

  • Jessica Waters commented
    February 19, 2018 19:48

    We would also like to change the monitoring intervals when monitoring a transfusion. Our protocol is to take vitals and change the rate is every 15 mins the first hour (that is 4 times in the hour). We can change it to 10 mins but then we are checking vitals 6 times in an hour and that is a lot of time with one patient (unless of course it needs its own nurse) but also a lot of fussing and temperature taking for the patient. 

    And then after that we monitor every hour after that (or a little more often if needed) until the transfusion is complete. We would like to be able to change the intervals after the first hour as well so that we are not saving 3-4 pages with one hour noted. 

    We talked about changing over to the treatment sheet after the first hour but that defeats the purpose of having a monitoring template for the transfusion if it is split up also we need to have a timer set as we do not often start at the top of the hour.

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