IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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Generate a Surgery Case Log report for Residents and Clinical Audit

Many specialist Hospitals train residents to become specialists. A requiremnt is that residents document all of the surgery cases they are involved in in their case log. It would be very helpful to generate a stand alone report that includes patient and client and procedure details (surgery type, surgeons). This could be generated from information that is captured in the anesthesia sheet.

Additionally, we are moving to a Clinical Governance framework and having this information will allow us to easily capture surgery cases so we can institute an active surgical site infection (SSI) surveillance program in future as part of our Clinical Audit procedures.

  • Stewart Ryan
  • May 3 2020
  • Open For Voting
  • Attach files
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    • Kirk Prince commented
      September 18, 2020 22:45

      Highly recommend this change. We just had a practice inspection and understood smartflow was able generate this report. We had not been keeping a hand written log since implementing smartflow. We had to generated a report from our practice management software and go back manually to document the recovery status of each patient. Generating this report would eliminate the need for a hand written log and help practices be in compliance with state practice standards bylaws.