IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

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25 Vote

Permanent whiteboard/department colors

We would like to be able to choose a colour for a particular department, so that when we send a patient over to a department from our EMR system- it will show up on the whiteboard as a colour e.g. emergency, red. Surgery, green. This would be clearer to see and save time rather than changing it in every patient information section. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 9 2018
  • Open For Voting
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    IDEXX SmartFlow commented
    8 Feb, 2022 08:54pm

    Hello all - thank you for your request. At this time we do not have this functionality, although there is a way via the desktop to make the process more efficient. I have done a video HERE.

    Hope this helps,

    Tina Brunnet, AAS LVT
    Product Manager

  • Guest commented
    8 Feb, 2022 07:50pm

    Our departments are color coded but we now have more departments than preset color options. We use the color code to make sure every one chooses the same assigned color for the ones that can't use the presets, but it doesn't always let you type in the color and it takes way too long to try to select it visually. Giving us the option to set a default color per whiteboard or doctor would make check-in way more efficient and lessen issues with a slightly wrong color being chosen.

  • Jacqui Ferguson commented
    14 Mar, 2018 12:23am

    We already do this at our clinic - have a little cheat list at reception re what colour to use when admitting from Rx for what department.

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