Your ideas and feedback are very valuable to us. Please go ahead and describe your brilliant idea so that other customers can vote and support your idea. You have 10 votes at your disposal. Once ideas you added (or just voted for) are announced as released - you will get your votes back.
I would love to have a single view of who has been checked into the waiting room, who has been moved to a room (with a customizable set of rooms: ie room 1, 2, 3, etc.) and have all that info come over from EzyVet. This would allow us to create a task list for technicians and room loaders to look at what needs doing in the "front" of the hospital, not just the "back."
I agree with a lower portion for listing possible patients enroute to the facility. Customization such as on way, in parking lot, lobby//entered into ezy vet etc.
On our end, we are preparing the design for this already. In addition, we will have a meeting with EzyVet to discuss synchronization of our tasks with their "patient status".