IDEXX SmartFlow Ideas Portal

Your ideas and feedback are very valuable to us. Please go ahead and describe your brilliant idea so that other customers can vote and support your idea. You have 10 votes at your disposal. Once ideas you added (or just voted for) are announced as released - you will get your votes back.

Treatment frequency calculator

Hi there,

Right now, we are looking for a way to optimize our built-in calculators, and we'd love to hear what you think about them. Is there anything that you would like to change about the current treatment frequency calculator? 

When giving feedback on this topic, keep in mind factors such as user-friendliness, design, general usefulness, current pain points, etc. 

We are constantly making improvements to our software and appreciate any feedback you can give to us!



Smart Flow Team

  • IDEXX SmartFlow
  • Mar 15 2018
  • Open For Voting
  • Attach files
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    • Ben Nitschke commented
      April 04, 2018 03:21

      The ability to set frequencies higher than q24 would be so great!!!


      I think it would be neat to be able to add a note/instructions on individual highlighting whilst still having the option to add instructions on the parameter for all subsequent highlighting.

    • Stacey Ness commented
      April 03, 2018 22:42

      Love everything about this, but would love a Q48H and a Q72H option.

      Might consider an option to just pick the treatment times - useful for a clinic that wants to use non-fixed time templates, but likes to do some things at certain times, like feedings or prompts to charge hospitalization or change the doctor on duty? Perhaps a pop up box that shows 24 options - one for each hour of the day, and allows you to click on the times you want that treatment/monitor to happen?